2º Tramo: Porriño - Redondela, 15 kms
  • Length: 15 kms.
  • Difficulty: Short
  • Estimated duration: 3 hours.


The Concello de Mos immediately succeeds O Porrino and has just over 15,000 inhabitants in 10 parishes. Mos belonged to the old Galician province of Tui and two of his parishes depended on the Marquis de Mos four of the Earl of Salvaterra and the remaining four of the Count of Maceda. Birthplace of former professional cyclist Oscar Pereiro, Mos also sits in the valley of the Louriña, named for the Louro River, a tributary of the Minho. The Great Encyclopedia of World Mos collects data from 1960, "with 10,014 inhabitants, grows corn, fruits, wine and vegetables, breeding cattle and has factories sawing wood, brushes, fur farming, mechanical workshops, etc". As for breeding cattle from Tui to the same Santiago is struck by the absence. Some distance from the road and in the parish of Torroso is the Castro of the same name. Archaeological excavations began in the 80s and settlement dated back to the seventh century B.C. in They have found three different types of cabins on the type of plant, trenches, defensive parapets and ceramic pieces found in the Provincial Museum of Pontevedra. Santa Eulalia de Mos, where the hostel is located, the pilgrim can see the parish church, whose environment was conditioned at the end of 2010 and the Pazo de XVII century. It is managed by a foundation created in 2002 and formed by the residents of the parish of Santa Eulalia and community forestry. It was they who managed to recover the ruined manor house of the Marquises of Mos and converted in 2008 into a cultural space with multipurpose rooms, library, auditorium, etc.

REDONDELA: The Concello of Redondela is formed almost fifteen parishes totaling 30,000. A Roman milestone of the Via XIX, which still stands in its original place thanks to the neighbors opposed his transfer in 1931, welcomes pilgrims in the city. Redondela is at the end of the Ria de Vigo, in the cove called San Simon, a space considered a Site of Community Importance (SCI) belonging to the Natura 2000 network of conservation areas of biodiversity. The cove is conducive to water sports and fishing, especially seafood, but the terrain leaves not appreciate the estuary during the stage and to visit there to give a good evening walk or take a taxi from several. Also worth the island of San Simon, who emerges in the middle of the estuary, but visit is very complicated because in addition to a previous request by mail only can be reached by sea transport. The ownership of the island of San Simon Templar passed from hands to the Crown of Aragon and later, in the fourteenth century, the bishopric of Tui. It was abandoned and looted by foreign troops and pirates several times during the civil war came to have enabled a prison in the old lazaretto 1841.

On the mainland include the hostel itself pilgrims, Renaissance house built by the family Prego Montaos town hall since mid-nineteenth century to the 50s; Petan house or Santa Teresa, the seventeenth century and provided with a tower; the church of Santiago, a short distance from the hostel and rebuilt in the XVI and the convent of Vilavella, at the entrance to the Camino Redondela and built in 1554 with single nave church. Redondela is well known for the two viaducts that fly over the town, both in the second half of the nineteenth century and one of them, Pontevedra, still in operation. A more playful space worth stretching your legs is the Alameda Park, also near the hostel and several sculptures of Galician Xoan Piñeiro. The first or second weekend of May is celebrated in Redondela gastronomic Feast of Choco, where they compete better prepared dishes sepia. So you can taste the cuttlefish in its ink with rice or pie. In other parishes of Redondela take place throughout the year other culinary festivals around the mussel, ear or apple. As for festivals and folk performances include the Festival of Coca and Fachos. The first is of tourist interest Gallego and has its peak in Corpus Christi with the sword dance and the dance of the penlas time. The feast of Fachos, shared with the municipality of Soutomaior, takes place in early summer near the castro da Peneda, where the neighbors up at dusk carrying torches and where Celtic music and queimada occupy a prominent place.



O Porriño en el Camino de Santiago

The Portuguese Way enters the municipality of O Porrino, with a population of about 18,000 inhabitants, the parish of San Salvador de Budiño, one of eight that make up the City Council. It is nestled in the valley of the Louriña and enjoys an ideal location for development: less than 20 kilometers from Vigo, international port and airport, and connected to the AP-9 Motorway between A Coruña and the border of Portugal and a-52 which links the Rias Baixas with the Castilian plateau. Therefore, the Industrial As Gándaras is not located in O Porrino by chance, although for the pilgrim has made to date a rock on the way and a bad round off stage. If anything characterizes the Concello are quarries pink granite are dozens and material is exported to various European countries, United States and even Japan. The architect Antonio Palacios Porriño (1874-1945), whose statue tribute can see next to City Hall, used granite for several of its buildings. O Porrino highlight the conceited City Hall; Botica Nova, completed in 1912 and designed as pharmacy and home of his brother Joseph; the source of Christ, 1904; and the Temple of San Luis, a pavilion access to the Madrid metro was located on Gran Via and was transferred to O Porriño in 1971.

O Porrino repays more mundane tastes with its famous bread, thick crust and crumb abundant. Its flavor and texture holds several days and some bakeries still continue amassing in the old wood-fired ovens. In spring party is celebrated around the honey and late summer party calluses.

Pazo de Mos


Está aberta a calquera usuario normal e o público en xeral, previa alta.


Ten como propósito dar a coñecer aos veciños e veciñas e a todos os cidadáns, o patrimonio cultural, arqueolóxico, etnográfico, e forestal de Mos. A difusión dos bens patrimoniais da nosa contorna ten como obxecto concienciar no coidado, protección e conservación dos elementos materiais e inmateriais que conforman a nosa cultura.

Dende a Fundación Pazo de Mos queremos facer finca pé na importancia da posta en valor do recursos da nosa parroquia. A nosa parroquia, por tratarse dun núcleo histórico de desenvolvemento do municipio é un dos máis visitados de Mos, necesita dun coidado exquisito para que poida cumprir coas súas funcións económicas, sociais e ambientais.

Comprender o pasado e reforzar a memoria, e incluso a identidade, colectiva é un feito verdadeiramente suxestivo. O traballo que desenvolven os veciños e veciñas é notable no fomento de participación e benestar social.


Nace o 22 novembro de 2014, cun acto de presentación do Club no Pazo de Mos onde mantén a súa actividade todos os sábados de 17.00 a 19.30 h. Actualmente componse de medio centenar de socios, entre nenos e maiores.

Aínda que a actividade esta intimamente ligada a súa práctica individual no club, o seu derradeiro fin é difundir o xadrez como unha ferramenta pedagóxica, en 1995 a UNESCO recomendou oficialmente a todos os seus países membros incorporar o xadrez como materia educativa.

Destacamos tamén que este xogo é unha das manifestacións culturais máis antigas da humanidade; nel seobservan aspectos propios do deporte, o arte e o pensamento científico.


Convento de Vilavella - REDONDELA

Convent building of the Order of the Justinianas founded by Prego Montaos the early sixteenth century. From that time the Conventual Church, composed of an apse and a single nave divided into five sections corresponding to the outside with many other buttresses are only preserved.

Today is dedicated to the hotel trade.


For you that interested TENAN I do polas past cultures that settled in Galicia and desexe know máis delas, prune this city vir thermos. Here atopará vestixios da megalithic times (to Chan das necrópole Formigas, as do Coturro mámoas and dos Lagos in Vilar de Infesta); da Idade do Bronze (stupidities, petroglyphs ...); da Castro Culture (no Couto do Castro and Castro not Peneda); and gives Romanization (Vilas and miliarios among you that sobresae or chamado "Marco" of Vilar de Infesta).

In Redondela, to route arrinca pilgrimage to height do Convento de Vilavella, and discorre pola Rua Padre Crespo, Praza de Ribadavia (MAIS coñecida as "A Street"), and cavalcade of Isidoro Queimaliños before chegar Igrexa de Santiago, cuxa orixe remóntase to Xelmírez tempos, ainda that no século reedificou XVI, with only cuberta ship with vaults and polygonal cabeceira that support unha fermosa estrelada cuberta.

Tamen include a cappella Santa Mariña, Tamen coñecida co nome of Capela das Angustias, cunha fermosa baroque facade; Ermida da Nosa Señora do Viso, emprazada nun paisaxístico place of great value; a Romanesque igrexa of San Fausto de Chapela, with a Latin cross; ou to igrexa of Santo André de Cedeira, erixida not século XVIII.

Within das Civís construcións, or abraiante viaduto da railway handline Vigo - Ourense - Madrid, é unha das construcións of maior importance or concello. Da Idade Media, and as LEMBRANZA das residiron families here in Redondela consérvanse several manors eat or gives "Casa da Torre" Two Prego Montaos (historic building século do Hoxe XVI is Emprega as a hostel for pilgrims); or "Pazo de Petán" or "Pazo do Pousadouro" to "Big House" in Reboreda and or "Pazo da Torre" in Cedeira.

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